
























































































: My thoughts and prayers are with …

: Whisk on son!!

: Great father’s day weekend. Family wedding yesterday and then a flight to Seattle today. I get …

: Time to head home Well, it’s been a great trip, but it is time to head home. We have a night in Lisbon and then …

: The Seven Hanging Valleys This morning we were up early and out the door to do the seven hanging valleys hike. It is about 4.5 …

: GUILTY by a jury of his peers!! 🇺🇸 What a day!

: Adventures with weather in the Algarve The plan for our first full day in Carvoeiro (pronounced curve-way-go) was to go sea kayaking …

: Driving to Obidos and Ericeira After our busy day in the Douro Valley it was time to head south! Our first stop of the day was the …

: Douro Valley The train ride started peacefully enough. However when the conductor came to check our tickets the …

: Chillin in Algarve

: Day one of our adventure — first time in an electric car, and in a foreign country! What could go …

: Food Tour We started today with a short walk to meet our guide, Maria, for a food tour of Porto. Maria is a …

: Porto Arrival As much as I was dreading the flight on Ryan Air, it was a very smooth and uneventful flight. We had …

: Pico do Areeiro We woke around 7 again this morning. One possibility was to do the difficult hike from Areeiro to …

: Levada das 25 Fontes (alt) This is our first full day on Madeira after flying Minneapolis to Toronto to Lisbon to Funchal, …

: Northeast Migration Spring 24 It is time for the annual migration back to Minnesota. Close up the house in the desert for the …

: Good morning Mr(s) Coyote!

: When and talked about Apple’s household robot on …

: Google translate is not perfect. Please bring me a helping of imperfect octopus! God help the …

: Since it is now April 1, UTC… One of my all time favorite April Fools’ day pranks! The …

: Runestone Academy: SIGCSE 2024 I am Just back from Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) 2024 conference in …

: Wordle 1,000 🎉 3/6* ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟩🟨⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Happy 1000 wordle, 787 played, best streak 410

: Hey friends and former students! It is Giving Day today at Luther College. Please join me in …

: So… these are our choices, a good (yes.. aging man) or a fraudster, convicted multiple times. …

: Greens Keeper’s Revenge day today! Lots of interesting obstacles to play around!


: Just finished Dan Moren’s All Souls Lost 📕

: Runestone Roadmap for 2024…

: Finally finished Mistborn: Hero of Ages 📘Not sure how I feel about the ending, but at least the …

: After 10 holes of golf today I got a notification that an air tag was following me… Nobody …

: Read about a victory for open source and open content in CS Education: …

: Messing around with Advent of Code today. Wrote my first Rust and first Julia programs. After 20 …

: Just back from two weeks in the Antarctic. I think these are some of my best photos ever! 📷. See …

: Andvord Bay Our last zodiac adventure! 😭 But our first chance to put foot on the continent proper. Not an island …

: Damoy Point This expedition is just so amazing. Every time you think you have seen “the best” then another day …

: Antarctic Circle Crossing Polar Plunge Day Today we officially crossed the Antarctic Circle. It’s a unique club to belong to. …

: Argentine Islands Antarctica is a continent. It is not “owned” by any nation, but is governed by an international …

: Yolaour Island An easy afternoon to see some Adélie Penguins. So this is the third species of penguin that we have …

: Flanders Bay What started as an ordinary excursion turned extraordinary when we found ourselves surrounded by …

: Enterprise Island This morning the waves were larger than yesterday and the skies were much grayer. So we had another …

: Useful Island One of the guides is sponsoring a Haiku contest: Cute little penguin Penguin Personality Penguins …

: Recess Cove This afternoon’s excursion was a zodiac cruise, rather than a hike. Everything we saw we saw from …

: Palaver Point Achievement Unlocked - seventh continent visited. This morning was very exciting! We awoke to a …

: Crossing the Drake How many oceans are there on earth? Most of us learned about four - Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and …

: Buenos Aires We decided to splurge and book our overnight flight to Buenos Aires as Delta One tickets. There are …

: Fun fact about Runestone Academy. The GPTbot is our number one source of bot traffic. Thousands of …

: My favorite quote of the day: > “The most efficient way to get through this is to listen to what …

: Mesa Verde Today started out with another harrowing drive. We received about 3 inches of snow overnight, so my …

: Westward Migration Today began just North of Denver, dry roads and a cloudy sky. We had coffee and got our day started, …

: Minneapolis Fall Colors I just had to stop during my ride, to enjoy the Fall colors, looking across Lake of the Isles toward …

: This is a theme for me in 2023… Individual thinking versus institutional thinking. From …

: Home! Feels like we are unpacking a months worth of stuff!

: Happy Thanksgiving? Happy Thanksgiving! or Columbus Day or Indigenous People’s day! We are in Canada and …

: Niagara

: Rainy drive to Green Lakes State Park After a fitful night of sleep due to the on again off again rain, and in between the rain the wind …

: Dear AppleTV Some vague excuse about a dispute between MNUFC and local broadcasters is not an excuse …

: Mixed emotions on the departure of Adrian Heath at MNUFC. But probably time for a change. I …

: Franconia Notch Stat Park Onward to New Hampshire! We have turned the corner and started heading back west. We got to Acadia a …

: Cadillac Mountain Sunrise I woke at 1:15AM, three and a half hours of sleep left. Darn, I did math, now my brain is awake. …

: Acadia Day One Lets get going by 9 Jane said. No problem, time for coffee and morning puzzles etc. My watch and …

: Sunrise on Cadillac Mountain in Acadia

: Acadia! We have arrived!‘s

: Halifax for Jane's big six oh Halifax has a nice food scene and a pretty boardwalk along the bay. We saw several cruise ships …

: Riding the Adventure Trail in Nova Scotia The plan was to bike about 14 miles to Lunenburg, have some lunch at a brewery, and then bike back …

: The Cabot Trail I have to admit I was a little whiney. Not yet 7am and Jane was ready to go. It was barely even …

: Middle head

: A day on the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia

: The Table Last night we had a fabulous dinner experience! On Prince Edward Island there is an old church, that …

: Prince Edward Island This morning we woke up at almost 7AM (Atlantic Time) way late for us usually. I lost whatever …

: Over the Confederations bridge to Prince Edward Island. The longest bridge over ice covered water in …

: Bless the Broken Road No I haven’t suddenly become a Rascal Flatts fan! But 40km into the 120km stretch of NB 108 …

: Catching Up I’ve missed a couple of days along the way, so with today being a “day of rest” I …

: The Château Frontenac in Quebec City.

: A beautiful end to a nice day and nice dinner in Montreal

: Another great day test post A lot of driving today, but still some great scenery!

: Waterfalls Today our goal was to explore some of the other state parks and hikes near Watkins Glen, verifying …

: Two Hikes: Letchworth and Watkins Glen We started this morning with a hike from the upper to middle to lower falls at Letchworth State …

: Great morning hike in Letchworth State Park.

: Day One Cabin to Indiana Dunes NP Mostly just a travel day, but with a short hike at the end. Going through Chicago is never fun, but …

: There is never a good time to pull a camper through the Chicago metro area.

: We are underway on a rainy Friday morning. Next stop Indiana Dunes National Park.

: No matter how much fun lies ahead, it is always a sad day when you have to take the boat out of the …

: Now I’ve ruined the NYT letterbox game for myself. Wrote a program to solve it, and …

: Feels so good to be productive! Develop in monorepo setup, deploy with docker. New feature done and …

: Spent the morning chasing down subtleties in nginx configuration. Some things are just not …

: Hey @manton and @danielpunkass this is a generous theory, but maybe the cage match in question was …

: github is experiencing an outage…. Seems like a good excuse to go outside and play.

: The top 10 reasons why you should host your OER textbook on Runestone Academy. …

: Nothing ruins a ride like a bear in the middle of the road. Luckily I didn’t have to reverse …

: Due to travel, weather, and illness, its been a month since my last bike ride. It felt great to be …

: Spending Mother’s day doing Spring chores at the lake. Its so great to be back and enjoying …

: MNUFC looking truly awful tonight. Lucky escape midweek, but tonight is just boring soccer.

: Unscheduled stop in Acapulco due to a medical emergency of a fellow passenger. Sitting in the harbor …

: Life at the foot of a Volcano. Taken from Cerro de la Cruz in Antigua Guatemala. I would love to …

: Cloud forest hike in Costa Rica. A good lesson in biodiversity.

: Where does all our stuff come from? Going through the Canal. I grew up in farm country so I’m pretty familiar with how food gets to the grocery store. But …

: In the middle of the Gatun locks. Right next to a tanker.

: A Day in Panama After docking in Colon we joined our tour group for the day to see some of the sites in Panama. This …

: Watching a tanker exiting the new canal.

: Cartagena

: Day at sea today. Spinning class, pickleball, and glorious time to just read. Fun science fact I …

: A nice addition to cruising is pickleball at sea! We just got on the ship so its too early to tell …

: Good morning Coachella valley.

: Listening to @danielpunkass and @gruber on the Talk Show, while using Chat GPT to add docstrings to …

: Runestone Academy at SIGCSE 2023. If you are in Toronto for the Technical Symposium, please stop by …

: I’m happy to say that we received good news from the IRS in the mail. Runestone Academy is …

: Watching Minnesota United on a snowy field in mostly white kit does not make for great TV viewing! …

: Having additional insulation blown into the attic today… I can hear them walking over my …

: Engineering 📷 Lots of cool engineering in my life, but not always so photogenic. I really enjoyed …

: Tile 📷 Our bathroom remodel is finished. The new tile looks great. Much better than the giant unused …

: Zip 📷 A lovely night for some sous vide steaks. A ziploc works almost as good as a vacu-seal bag. …

: Solitude 📷 When it is cold and the dead of winter and you are at your lake cabin and nobody else is …

: Weather 📷 This is taken from my patio in Indio CA. The mountains in the background are usually tan …

: Secure 📷

: Another big day of home improvement DIY… New ceiling fan in the bedroom and new LED lights …

: We were so tired of waiting for hot water to get to our shower. Running a recirculating line would …

: Some of the coolest clouds ever in the desert.

: Landing in Palm Springs. we dodged a late winter storm due to hit Minnesota tomorrow. Great to see …

: Very excited today, we just booked an Antarctic expedition cruise for December.

: Got to see the Loons (MNUFC) in preseason action against the New York Red Bulls this afternoon here …

: Greenskeeper's Revenge! Today the mens club event was very fun. The obstacles on the course were a great mid season reminder …

: Making ribs for our friends tonight. Two more hours until they are done. But what else are you going …

: Today’s NYT Sunday crossword theme was so fun. Favorite clue: “You there, holding the …

: I think ChatGPT is my new goto search engine… Me: “explain the difference between …

: I do try to have empathy for all of you all southerners, but as a northerner, a little freezing …

: Also, the mountains were just stunningly beautiful with new snow added overnight. Nothing beats …

: I think this is as close as I’ve ever come to a hole in one! The ball is on the opposite side …

: I just realized how inconsistent I am… During the board of regents meeting I strongly …

: Lets say you are a teacher, and you know that when you are teaching there are 1000 other classes …

: Today’s rabbit hole was about monorepos and polyliths. I really think this is the way to go …

: Finally got to play with a Christmas gift today. My new Ruixin knife sharper, it definitely takes …

: All of this rain has left our San Jancinto mountains with more snow than usual, and a beautiful …

: What to do when your open source community lets someone down? Promises were made, now classes are …

: I finally got time to post a retrospective of 2022 for Runestone Academy. Give it a read and feel …

: Shoutout to Susan Rodger and all of her students at Duke University! The stream of Paypal donations …

: Bowling Bowling for the first time in well over a decade. I’ve never bowled at a place where the score …

: apropos of nothing I think it is funny that all modern apps and editors have the command palette …

: Oh man, did this feel good!!

: Count me among the Americans who would love to see a coalition of moderate Dems and Reps in the …

: Has anyone in the GOP heard of this Einstein guy? He said: The definition of insanity is doing the …

: The Joys of Winter Flying This morning I got Wordle in 2! Here is Proof: Wordle 564 2/6* ⬜🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Since I won’t post …

: I don’t get it in two very often. Wordle 564 2/6* ⬜🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Tomorrow I will explain why this …

: I just thought it would be fun to say hello from 30,000 feet. After a lot of waiting for de-icing …

: Back home after six hours… The first time I’ve ever seen them close the Minneapolis …

: The bookshelf feature has spawned all kinds of fun. Extracting all the books on my kindle, …

: New Instructor Dashboard I’ve been working on a new instructor dashboard the last week using Plotly + Dash. Its taken a …

: Shoutout to @canion, @burk, and @martinfeld for a fun podcast - Tight Thirty on Hemispheric Views. …

: Favorite photos of 2022 Inspired by the latest episode of Hemispheric Views, I decided to choose some of my favorite photos …

: I watched Spirited and Elf in a 24 hour period. I loved them both. I only know Ryan Reynolds from …

: Merry Christmas

: A regular heat wave, with a high of 3 degrees today. It will soon be time to get to work on the …

: The kids all got on the road early this morning to beat the winds – One set just arrived and …

: I’m ready to declare the winner of the snowman building contest! ☃️

: Post World Cup Walk. I don’t know when the wind is going to come up and destroy all of this …

: Who else is thrilled that we get 30 more minutes of ⚽️? Lets go 🇦🇷

: Wow! what a strike by Messi! ⚽️

: Hello Sun!

: A Snowy Morning Walk We arrived at our own private winter wonderland about 5:00 last night. The lane to our cabin greeted …

: I love the change of seasons! I took this last fall when the light was beautiful. I took this an …

: Arriving at the cabin for Christmas is like pulling into a winter wonderland !

: After three days of snow it was great to see the sun for a few minutes! Everything looks so clean …

: Trying out the Warp terminal app today. I love it so far. I’m starting to think there is …

: A snowy december night in Minneapolis. Dinner at home then a two block walk to the Guthrie Theater …

: OK, I’m officially on break until the end of the France Morocco match. ⚽️🇲🇦

: Just let me talk to a human! I have a simple question - can I go to an apple store and get a battery …

: Nothing but zoom all day today! Thankfully I could still stream ⚽️⚽️🇦🇷on my iPad.

: I love having a grandson that is just old enough to play hot wheels. Bought this giant pile of track …

: The stockings are hung by the chimney with care… And leaning against the chimney is the …

: Really looking forward to today’s ⚽️ matches! Hoping for Morocco and England to advance!!

: Beautiful sunny winter day in Minneapolis, time to head out and see what the PT has to say about my …

: I guess my Feb 2009 purchase of Mars Edit 2.0 does not qualify for an upgrade to 5.0 🤪 But happy to …

: Last night, Leo Kottke at the Guthrie Theater! Even nicer that we could just walk there from our …

: Morocco… through to the quarter finals ⚽️ 🇲🇦 With the USA eliminated I’m definitely …

: It’s the return of the condo Christmas pole!! Flurries just outside the window!

: Back in Minneapolis for the Holidays. Got a new little tree for the condo! Lights are already …

: Crazy surprise in the mail today! I wasn’t even aware that this was in the works.

: Last night’s project. I think this is a candidate for the sweet setup.

: In March 2015 we had the great joy of visiting Morocco for a week. It is great to see them doing so …

: Sharing the wealth... This topic has always been tough for us, as parents. But I love our financial adivisors, and I think …

: Anyone have experience with plotly + dash? I’m working on a new dashboard for teachers that …

: PSA: You cannot score a safety in ⚽️ ! Looking forward to watching team USA in the knockouts! I …

: Just a shout out to @manton – I’ve been looking for an inexpensive site monitoring …

: I’ve been working on importing posts from my old blog the last couple of days. Its been fun to …

: Wow!!! What an ending ⚽️ way to go team USA! I can breathe again.

: Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a day… There are so many interesting and bizarre …

: I just got off the course, and I’m happy to report that my golf score is trending downward.

: This micro.blogvember experience is great motivation for returning to other open web systems …

: I have made a commitment to be committed to my commitments, whatever they may be. Especially if one …

: Our family has developed a nice ritual for Black Friday. Inspired by #OptOutside we don’t do …

: Happy Thanksgiving! What is your favored turkey cooking method? I spatchcock it and put it on my …

: All the Things I am Thankful for I thought it would be fun to share a text and picture blog post of …

: an update on microblogvember progress, I have made 23/23 days now! This has been fun and has …

: just for fun, I made today’s microblogvember word “graze” my first guess on …

: This morning we have a frost delay. My tee time is now 9:30 instead of 8:30. A frost delay… …

: Well, game one of world cup 2022 is in the books. I’m looking forward to some conversation …

: I was saddened to read that elon restored the account of the former guy. I sincerely hope we are not …

: Watching the celebration of life for Rick Torgerson, who led Luther College and is someone I truly …

: I really wanted to take a novel approach to today’s microblogvember, but I couldn’t …

: Last fall I rode my bike the length of the Mississippi I only had to change a flat tire five times …

: Just curious, who here remembers playing the game “Barrel of Monkeys” when they were a …

: I sent in my absentee ballot after checking it twice. But has no record of me voting …

: Todays microblogvember word brought back fun memories of choir warmups. “Aluminum Linoleum …

: Not my words, but these James Taylor lyrics work: There’s something in the way she moves Or …

: Went to the Margaritaville pickleball tournament this afternoon (Nationals)! I have to adjust my …

: Just checked the News - I like the Time headline: “Good Job America. You Didn’t Destroy …

: I have a suspicion that supper will be a little late since I forgot to take the pork out of the …

: Continuity camera inspired the purchase of a stand for what looks like another mini-display next to …

: I am going to recommend that my minister checks out this place in Temecula…

: This post has a little bit of everything: sunshine in the foreground, ominous clouds over Joshua …

: This pic has a little bit for everyone. Sunshine, ominous clouds, and even a rainbow.

: I was certain that the fix I pushed out midweek yesterday to my servers was safe. But I was wrong. …

: I can never remember how to spell consensus… my brain is convinced that there is a second c …

: I Just finished reading Ken Follett’s Never. I would love to hear what others thought of the …

: I am afraid that my recent knee / MCL injury is giving me too much insight into what its like to get …

: I have enjoyed my first few days trying to use regularly. It feels good to be out of the …

: I used to be exempt from this kind of injury and silliness but darn, my first day back at pickleball …

: Today’s Microblogvember word admiration made me stop and recall some of the people I admire …

: For today’s Microblogvember challenge I will engage in a little shameless self promotion. …

: feast your eyes upon the beautiful fall colors of Northern Minnesota. Day 2 of Microblogvember

: I’m very happy to announce that Runestone and PreTeXt have received an NSF grant for …

: I must say that I cut quite a dashing figure at last night’s black light party! I think …

: Westward Ho! Instead of camping our way to California this Fall we decided to make it a four day drive. We stayed …

: Superior Fall Colors Timing the fall colors is a tough game to play. It’s hard to predict when they will peak because …

: Fall Walks on Bone Lake After a couple of years of taking long camping trips during the month of October it has been …

: Devils Tower The road home runs through Devils Tower National Monument. A monument who got its name from a …

: Yellowstone Scenery Although there was a huge flood in Yellowstone just over a month ago there was very little of the …

: Mud Pots, Hot Springs and Geysers Educational Post Alert (EPA)! Did you know there are four kinds of geothermal features in …

: Grand Teton - Cascade Canyon The first ferry across Jenny lake leaves at 7am she said. We decided to shoot for the 7:30 crossing, …

: Grand Teton Icons What do Oxbow bend, Schwabacher landing, the Moulton barn and the snake river overlook all have in …

: Exploring Custer - Day 3 The morning dawned crisp and clear, it was great to sleep with the windows open taking in the cool …

: Mexican food so good… Today (Day 2) was a day of driving across South Dakota. What do you see when driving across South …

: The Adventures Begin Every five-ish years we have a special trip with our good friends Brian and Holly. We were all …

: Hiking the Wire Pass Canyon Unfortunately our lottery attempts were a bust and neither of us got selected. So we did the next …

: Cruising Lake Powell Houseboat by sheer cliffs private beach with no neighbors billions of bright stars After piloting a …

: Driving to Page Today was mostly just getting from Zion over to Page Arizona. We had to take the camper through the …

: Long wait in the middle of nowhere today. On the highway with no cell service. When we finally got …

: Zion Narrows - I Know how to Save a Life Suddenly floating Down the river goes my wife Someone grab her hat! It was a beautiful morning in …

: The journey home starts today! One night in Vegas Baby! Specifically the Las Vegas RV Resort. …

: My Helper

: Seminole Canyon State Park After some city time we were excited to get back to nature. Its hard to believe that we only have …

: Winter Wonderland at White Sands I was looking down at my phone or something inside the car when we made the transition. I looked up …

: Big Bend National Park After a beautiful night at Seminole Canyon, we were on our way to Big Bend National Park. This is a …

: San Antonio - Welcome to Texas We pulled out of the campground in the dark. The first time I can remember us breaking camp in the …

: Food Fun in NOLA We arrived in New Orleans on Sunday, not the best day to visit restaurants, but we were able to make …

: End of the Line - Riding the Delta Yesterday was the official end of my Mississippi River ride. I rode way out on the delta to Venice, …

: Natchez Trace After days of really flat, really boring, riding / non-riding today was a welcome breath of fresh …

: Google Maps — You. are. Fired. Due to my back pain I rode with Jane today from the Mississippi River state park to Lake Chicot …

: Zooming to Tennessee My back felt better this morning, and with 52 miles on the schedule it felt very doable. Especially …

: Saint Louis to Fort Kaskaskia Today was another 50 mile day, but thankfully the weather was 180 degrees from yesterday. Cool, …

: West Memphis to Mississippi River State Park This is one of the most beautiful state parks with really nice campsites. After riding nearly 60 …

: A Dogged Ride to Fort Pillow Today I saw fields of cotton ready for harvest for the first time in my life. What a sight! Acres of …

: Trail of Tears State Park From Fort Kaskaskia we drove to the Trail of Tears State Park. This park marks the spot where …

: Halfway there? Or am I finished? A battle of will! Today started out promising. Like any morning in the camper I made myself some coffee. Unlike most …

: Hannibal / Hamberg to Pere Marquette I awoke with heavy legs this morning! The plan was for Jane to drive me back across the river, …

: Not that kind of biker Although today was a “day of rest” we still made a short ride into Grafton for lunch. I’ll ride this …

: Nauvoo to Hannibal Today was a total washout. I woke up and looked at the forecast and radar only to see a huge patch …

: Mississippi Palisades to Muscatine Today I did 86 miles but it was a very relaxing day of riding. The majority of the day was on trails …

: Pike’s Peak to Dubuque After a wonderful weekend in Decorah for our 35 year class reunion, we arrived at Pike’s Peak state …

: 02 Bemidji to Brainerd — My First Century 02 Bemidji to Brainerd - My First Century Yesterday the ride from Itasca to Bemidji turned out to be …

: Prelude (Day 0) Mississippi Headwaters We had a lovely 20 mile ride around Lake Itasca planned for today with a stop at the headwaters of …

: And the journey down the river begins

: Idaho! On our way home

: Three Days in Chelan Well, I think it is time to head East. When we started making our egg scramble for breakfast this …

: Snowy Adventure The North Cascades (America’s Alps) is a beautiful stop on our journey. Not to mention the warmest …

: Deception Pass State Park Yesterday was laundry day and hang around the park day. Jane headed into Oak Harbor to wash a load …

: Jane Can not Control the Weather This morning we woke up to a bit of broken sunshine at our campground. The water was as smooth as …

: More Photos from today and 1986 This morning we went through all the weather in about 30 minutes! We started out at our Salt Creek …

: Thunder Island Brewery in Cascade Locks

: Crater Lake The plan had been to bike around crater lake. Then we learned that the road was not open yet. …

: Crater Lake

: The Avenue of the Giants 8:00 This morning we are getting an early start and I’ve decided to record this in real time, or at …

: El Capitan State Beach - The Adventure Begins This morning began with Coffee and a quick, but promising, Zoom meeting with the folks from …

: Almost to vail

: Snow flurries in Utah.

: Vegas

: Katie Kukulka, an information officer with the California Energy Commission, takes photos during a …

: 3.5 hours on the road

: Two hours on the road

: Glad to see the official announcement of Apple’s “Spring Loaded” event next week. I’ve been living …

: A really nice round this afternoon at Heritage Palms! And yes, I can still put it in the water from …

: A Winter in Indio I never thought of myself as a Snowbird, but even with COVID-19, our second Winter in Indio is …

: Dubuque to Mississippi Palisades Today was a rough day. The hills were steep, the good people of Galena seem to hate bikers, and I …

: AI in the Dominican Republic This all started a year ago when the government posted a travel warning for the Playa area of Mexico …

: Welcome Back to Minneapolis Well it was bound to happen, and as we like to say, it could have been worse. Landed at MSP just …

: Darwin Research Center We started our day today with a visit to the Darwin Research Center. One of the main projects at …

: I 💙 Boobies By this time of the trip the routine was well established. Breakfast in the morning, then off to the …

: Galápagos Day 4 — Santa Cruz The activity of the morning was a “long” walk around Dragon hill on Santa Cruz. The main objective …

: Galápagos Day 3 — Pinnacle Rock If you google Galápagos Islands you will almost certainly see this picture: You will likely see even …

: Galápagos Day 2 Looking out the window in the morning we couldn’t see anything. Had our luck changed? Were we going …

: Galápagos Islands!! Iguanas fighting over territory, thousands of crabs, two species of sea lions, lizards galore, birds …

: At the Equator It turns out that Ecuador is a great place to study the equator. It’s not in the middle of a jungle, …

: Cusco Cooking! After a morning with Chef Jose you will definitely believe that Peru is the center of the culinary …

: Machu Picchu It rained hard all night long, and it was still very cloudy when we got up for breakfast. But, by …

: You never know who you will meet on the Inca Trail I woke up around 3:30AM when I heard a few splatters of rain against the roof of our Casita. The …

: Into the Sacred Valley The flight from Puerto Moldenado was blissfully short. It was almost comical how many first time …

: Amazon Observations When is a vacation not a vacation? When you are on your third day in a row getting up between 4 and …

: Into the Amazon We walked to the light rail station which took us to MSP, from there we flew to Atlanta and onward …

: Ladder Canyon Turn left at the arrow. Hmmm? Would you turn left and head into the rocks here? Despite the giant …

: Post Bike Tour Quiz Post Bike Tour Quiz What country would you be in if I told you the following facts? 90% of the …

: Bond, James Bond... Island Bond, James Bond... Island Wrong side of the island, wrong end of the beach! That would be the …

: Cooking with Pearly Cooking with Pearly Stand under the clock tower facing the roundabout at 9:00 and my husband will …

: Progressive Trivia Champions! Progressive Trivia Champions! On our first day at sea we looked at the schedule of activities on …

: Sunrise to Sunset in Bagan, Myanmar Sunrise to Sunset in Bagan, Myanmar One of the cool things about this Azamara journey is that the …

: Yala Safari Yala Safari Today we got caught up in a traffic jam in the middle of the Yala National Park in Sri …

: Driving a Tuk Tuk in Colombo Driving a Tuk Tuk in Colombo This morning we had a morning at sea and we arrived in Colombo Sri …

: Kochin: Houseboats and Driving Kochin: Houseboats and Driving I think that no blogging about India would be complete without some …

: First World Problems First World Problems “First world problems eh?” We all use that phrase to acknowledge …

: A Wadi Wadi tour of the Hajar Mountains A Wadi Wadi tour of the Hajar Mountains Our guide’s name was Oscar, He is a Masai from kenya, …

: Dubai: City of Contrasts Dubai: City of Contrasts I once listened to an interesting 99% Invisible podcast that said that Las …

: City Life City Life Its a misty late October morning, the farmers market isn’t open yet, and the …

: Yosemite Yosemite The plan was to go to Napa. But we have been to Napa in fact we had been to Napa already …

: T-minus 29 days !! Today’s visit really got me excited. Downtown Minneapolis here we come.

: Sunday evening at the lake. Weekend-ers are heading home and things are peaceful and quiet.

: Chapel Talk - May 7 2018 The following is the transcript of my chapel talk. You may be able to view it here. Luke 24: Now …

: Lifelong Luther As this will be my final Ideas and Creations contribution I hope you will indulge me in a little …

: Remembering John Carlis Everyone wants to belong, and for a young man from a small town in southwest Minnesota who went to a …

: A Detour on our Cording Cutting Journey I wonder how much data we have used this period? I asked my wife as we were streaming Premier League …

: Understanding Entrepreneurship -- Part II -- New Beginnings Whenever I teach this JTerm course on entrepreneurship, friends and colleagues often ask me …

: Understanding Entrepreneurship -- Lessons Learned (part I) The students are on the plane home, and I am now in Napa taking a few days of R&R and thinking …

: My Life in the Computer History Museum My Life in the Computer History Museum Its been six or eight years since I’ve taken a group of …

: Who Are We? I’ve been thinking about this question a lot lately and I know others have been repeating this …

: Fending Off “Day 2” at Luther College I’m a fan of Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, whether its because he “got it” and was the first customer …

: Spring Break 2017 Spring Break! Boy did I need one! With everything going on at the college, I really needed a few …

: Bula from Likuliku Lagoon With a view like that you would think I could write something really inspirational for this final …

: Is this Hobbiton or Nerdvana? For as little as I wanted to go to the stinky spa yesterday, Jane wanted to go to Hobbiton today …

: A Day at the Spa... or 45 minutes of Smelling Bad Gas I woke up several times during the night, and each time I did I could hear the rain battering the …

: No Mount Doom for You The goal for today had been to bike the Timber Trail. But since the forecast was for lots of rain we …

: Kayak Sailing When Jane told me that if the weather was right we might be able to sail our kayaks I was perplexed. …

: Only Mid Thigh Estuary: the tidal mouth of a river where the river meets the tide. The final leg of our hike today …

: Driving the West Coast After two weeks of organized tours and bus rides we struck out on our own today in a rental car. New …

: Milford Sound As we walked back from Ultimate Hikes to the Lovely St. Moritz hotel we stopped at the Real Journeys …

: Three Days on the Routeburn Track Day Zero We arrived in Queenstown just in time to appreciate the change in temperature. We left the …

: The Great Ocean Road Arrival and Trolly Tour We arrived in Melbourne and took a little dinner tour of the city on a …

: Great Barrier Reef (batman) WOW! we haveve just finished a day on a live aboard dive boat where we did 4 dives and 2 snorkels on …

: Hiking the Valley of the Winds Today we flew three hours and 1.5 timezones out of our way to see a big red rock! I’m not sure …

: Happy New year! Happy New Year! Celebrating the new year in Australia is definitely something special. Everywhere we …

: Eucalyptus in the Air One great way to get over jet lag is to just get up in the morning and get going again. Although we …

: Hello Nemo! I’m sitting by the window of our flat in Pott’s Point with the view you see in the …

: All the Christmas Presents are Early We leave the house tomorrow morning and we won’t be back until January 26th. (Note to would be …

: Wrapping up the RV Adventure We are on I-94 heading across North Dakota today, the amount of road construction almost makes us …

: The Hike to Iceberg Lake We were just passed Ptarmigan Falls on our way back down when from behind me I heard, “Oh …

: Slow Down You're Movin too Fast “Slow Down!” Ok, this was not delivered in the sing-songy spirit of the Simon and …

: Tie Your RV Down As we got in the car to head over to the hot tub at the KOA in St. Mary’s Montana, I pointed …

: Taking a Break on a Rainy Afternoon “A clean underwear!” came the shout from the bedroom of the RV. “Thanks Holly, you …

: Wardrobe Malfunction at the Hot Springs Happy Anniversary! Jane and I have been married 30 years today. People will say that is quite an …

: We are older than we think Sitting in our campsite in Banff, my feet are up, I have a Gin & Tonic next to me, the campfire …

: Arrival in Banff It was difficult to get out of bed this morning. The rain was making rainy sounds on the roof and …

: The Worlds Largest Buffalo This morning we left the Pratt’s at 8:00, right on schedule. I took my first shift in the …

: Packing up and Heading Out Mobile blogging! Her is my view as I write this post. Where to start? We awoke this morning and …

: Prelude to a Recreational Vehicle In preparation for our big RV adventure Brian, Holly, Jane and I all attended the Minnesota United …

: Biking with Blaise Blaise Schaeffer, my former student for all of 3 weeks, is on a cross country bike journey. He was …

: The Bucket Dive The Bucket Dive According to our dive logs it’s been 13 years since we did our last dive. So, …

: No Easy Solutions No Easy Solutions If you were king how would you end poverty? Not an easy question to answer, even …

: Entrepreneurship and the Common Good

: Rome Arrival Rome Arrival We began our outing to Rome with a walkabout starting at our hotel. The hotel, …

: Day 178 Day 178 We have been away from the USA for 178 days. With the rulings of the supreme court back home …

: Happy Hour in Prague Happy Hour in Prague

: Summary of Azamara Cruise Summary of Azamara Cruise For future reference I like to record the itinerary and favorite stops …

: Cooking in Istanbul Cooking in Istanbul Since we had done all the usual tourist things during our previous visit to …

: Evening Concert in Ephesus Evening Concert in Ephesus The cat, of all things, stole the show. Earlier in the day we had learned …

: Biking in Patmos Biking in Patmos We may have missed 2 or 3 km of paved road, but other than that we pretty much …

: Death March from Fira to Oia Death March from Fira to Oia There were six ships in the harbor at Santorini Celebrity, MSC, …

: Walking the Walls of Dubrovnik Walking the Walls of Dubrovnik After a beautiful sailaway in venice we traveled to Croatia where our …

: Lake Como by Lake Lake Como by Lake The conversation started like this: Incoming: Robert, I am not available now, and …

: rest and relaxation on lake como After cleaning up the flats and saying our goodbyes to all of the students Jane and I are now …

: saying goodbye to malta These are my shoes. I bought them for the great adventure of 2015, I started to wear them on January …

: cooking in malta The first thing I should say about cooking in Malta is that there are around 600 reasons not to cook …

: adventures with flask-cors I want people to be able to write and host the static parts of any book on any server. You can think …

: unexpected adventures Morning Climb to Castelmola Since the students were planning on sleeping in this morning, Jane and I …

: climbing mount etna The van arrived right on schedule, 4:45 AM, and we were all in the courtyard in front of the flat on …

: enjoying island life on a warm may day Every day is a good day when you are on a boat, in the beautiful blue Mediterranean. After a bit of …

: writing a runestone lab the easy way As part of the grand reorganization of the various tools and software associated with the Runestone …

: A Tale of two Scams Gastronomic Negotiation “Sir, you walk past me every night. Please give me a chance! I will …

: Istanbul “You want a fish!?” Said the night watchman with confusion. “No,” I said, …

: biking in london Think you have done it all in London? The museums, the London Eye, the changing of the guard, the …

: fa cup semifinal The first words I read as my phone synced up email in the passport control line at Luton were …

: homeward bound in 77 days Somehow the midpoint of this journey escaped my notice. Its not surprising as it has been a busy and …

: andalusia biking summary I’m just going to put all of the images into a big slideshow for this post. Malaga to …

: biking in andalusia After a week in Morocco, Jane and I are now biking in the Andalusia region of Spain. Whereas Morocco …

: Lost in the Souks Lost in the Souks As I dropped Jane and Tricia off at the spa for their pedicure the young man at …

: A visit to the Kasbah A visit to the Kasbah Sometimes when you are travelling it is the unplanned things that can surprise …

: A Night in the Desert A Night in the Desert “Camel noses!” came the answer from the back of our mini-bus. The …

: Morocco -- Sensory and Cultural Overload Morocco -- Sensory and Cultural Overload As I sit here on the rooftop terrace of our Riad in the …

: We're driving in our Car We’re driving in our Car One thing we never thought we would do in Malta was drive a car. From …

: Go Go Gozo Go Go Gozo The first thing you notice when you get to the Cirkewwa ferry terminal is how close you …

: I Want to be an Archeologist I Want to be an Archeologist I think I might want to be an archeologist when I grow up. In the last …

: Adventures of an Expat Cord Cutter Adventures of an Expat Cord Cutter Even thought I’m living abroad and traveling for an …

: Butchers, Bakers, and Sandwiches Butchers, Bakers, and Sandwiches After a cold morning of touring the colliseum and other ancient …

: Ostia Antica Ostia Antica Ostia Antica Ostia is about a half hour train ride away from the center of Rome, back …

: Vatican Day Vatican Day The Vatican Hiding behind the ancient dirty exteriors of the buildings of the old city …

: Acclimating Acclimating A confession: I like my creature comforts. I like my nice modern home with in-floor …

: One Night in Bangkok One Night in Bangkok After a short morning flight from Siem Reap, we arrived in Bangkok, for what …

: Sixty Minutes of Inspiration Sixty Minutes of Inspiration Today was another one of those days that was thought-provoking, …

: Siem Reap Cycling Siem Reap Cycling “Those stairs are too steep,” said our guid Sina. Those stairs must be …

: Early Morning Temple Early Morning Temple Wake up call, 4:30 a.m. Oh-dark-thirty as some would say. After a full day of …

: Lifestyle Reflections Lifestyle Reflections Note: I wrote the first part of this post as a draft, while in Cambodia, and …

: Halong Bay Halong Bay We’ve just finished our morning stair workout. Four hundred thirty seven stairs to …

: Biking and Cooking in Hanoi Biking and Cooking in Hanoi This will be my last post for a few days. Tomorrow we board a Junk on …

: Out of my Comfort Zone Out of my Comfort Zone The following post appears on the Luther College Ideas and Creations Blog …

: The DMZ Bar The DMZ Bar Dear British Lady in the pink denim shirt: Thanks for an entertaining evening of dining. …

: Hang Me Hang Me The name of our lunchtime restaurant today was Hang Me. “Do you know what that means …

: The Red Bridge Cooking School The Red Bridge Cooking School One of the things I have been anticipating the most on this trip is to …

: The Flood Gates of Hoi An The Flood Gates of Hoi An Throughout all our time so far we have refrained from buying anything, at …

: To Market to Market To Market to Market It all started with motorbike parts. Our first day on the motorbikes, we went …

: Hoi An Nighttime Hoi An Nighttime After four days of non-stop activity, we took a short flight North to Hoi An. Hoi …

: The Meekong Delta The Meekong Delta The Meekong Delta The picture pretty much sums up our experience here the last two …

: My Life as a Tunnel Rat My Life as a Tunnel Rat For Sale: Spacious multi-bedroom dwelling, Over 150,000 square kilometers. …

: Ten Thousand Things you can Haul on a Motorbike Ten Thousand Things you can Haul on a Motorbike To say that there is a motorbike culture here in …

: The Gang's all here The Gang’s all here All of our students arrived safely by 11:00 last night. We got them up …

: Advent, Anticipation, Adventure Advent, Anticipation, Adventure In the Christian church, Advent is a season of waiting, a season of …

: The Sous Vide Adventure Begins When we were in Las Vegas last fall, I had the most delicious steak I’ve ever eaten. It was at …

: iowa startup accelerator It has been an exciting day! I just got back from Cedar Rapids where I attended a mixer of mentors …

: Winter Skiing in the Spring Winter Skiing in the Spring Two days of skiing at Tahoe are in the bag, but what a difference …

: Lake Tahoe Lake Tahoe A Rare Day Lake Tahoe is beautiful. We arrived last night from Napa and got to our VRBO …

: the word of the day is malolactic Brought to You by the Letter ‘C’ I must confess, after all of the Chardonnay I’ve …

: easy publishing with runestone interactive During my January travels, I also converted this blog from tubmlr, which had been frustrating me for …

: reflections on january 2014 I left home on December 27 2013. When I left I had 3 bags packed. One for our trip to Mazatlan to …

: on 14 inches of powder The weather report said we had 6 inches of snow overnight. From the moment we walked out the door it …

: final visits My daughter Kaia is getting married next summer. This is not new news, the proposal was made an …

: applied math and physics You know those yellow lines on the football field? They are harder to draw than they look. Think for …

: transportation cogitation This is a post I’ve been thinking about for a few days. Its a serious post, but especially …

: the social implications of a self-driving car Today we moved south, from Fisherman’s wharf down to Menlo Park. But most of the day was spent …

: a lesson in venture capital “Ann is on a roll, we are going to be late.” I texted to Phillip. Indeed she was. Ann …

: changing the world, jterm 2014 The following is a republication of a post I wrote for Luther College’s “Ideas and …

: there is no cure for curiosity Curiosity is the cure for boredom. There is no cure for curiosity. We began our day with a visit to …

: student blogs A few people have asked for the links to the students blogs. Here they are: Isaac: Jackie: Erik: …

: a golden bike ride What a great day for a bike ride! We rented some bikes at Blazing Saddles, right next to the hotel. …

: the starlight coastal A 23 hour train trip? At some point that seemed like a really charming idea. Eight hours in, …

: how many trees in the state of washington? What? There is no real way to know the answer to this question, but it is one that was posed to the …

: jterm 2014 - day 1 at amazon Jeff Bezos likes to talk about technology and civilization and where we are at in terms of the …

: envisioning the future Today was a big day. The Microsoft mother ship. We began our visit with an hour in the Envisioning …

: chapel talk - 11/4 nehemiah 13 1-3, 23-31 This is the text from my chapel talk yesterday. The video (mostly of the top of my head) can be …

: john riedl tribute This is the short tribute speech I gave last Friday at the University of Minnesota. Actually, I had …

: runestone interactive announces new editions of interactive textbooks Today I'm really pleased to announce that have launched version 2.0 of our interactive computer …

: making python3 my default I'm finally there. After a long time of writing books using Python 3, and teaching in Python 3 on a …

: to infinity and beyond We passed 3 million entries in our log data for which got me to wondering …

: and now it can be told Loyal readers will remember that last summer we cruised to Alaska, and some very secretive things …

: the debary institute Its been a great J-Term. A trip to Vail for some Skiing, and a trip to Florida to solve the worlds …

: everyday python - new blog I've decided that it will be best to keep my personal blog separate from the new Everyday Python …

: vail 2013 I just got back from four awesome days of skiing in Vail and Beaver Creek. The Colorado resorts …

: generating a password - part 1 OK, here is the first installment of the new Everyday Python series. Today I'm just providing a …

: introducing everyday python Everyday Python¶ It is always risky to make your New Years resolutions public, but this is one …

: here's the headcam video of the zipline at icy strait. video/mp4mp44803601910

: euchre etiquette How do you know you have an enduring friendship? When after more than 27 years as friends, and seven …

: icy strait / hoonah I mentioned type 3 fun in a previous posting, and although there was plenty of type 1 fun to be had …

: type 2 fun Our guide for the Mendenhall glacier trek told us that there are 3 kinds of fun. Type 1 fun, is just …

: ketchikan Its a lazy, rainy afternoon here in Ketchikan Alaska. We are back from fishing and have warmed up …

: secrets onboard the millenium Good morning from stateroom 7199. I’m looking out the back of the ship at a lot of very low …

: how to think like a computer scientist interactive edition After hosting the interactive edition of How to Think like a Computer Scientist on the Google app …

: saying goodbye to namibia Sitting in the lobby of the Hotel Safari this morning. We've checked out and are just hanging here …

: almost back to windhoek Well, here we are on the B2 not 55km from Windhoek and the Safari Hotel. Suddenly our coach makes a …

: photo highlights from namibia Well, its really hard to pick out the photo highlights from this trip, but I decided to take a quick …

: lions and rhinos and springbok, oh my! etosha! If someone had told me six months ago that in the span of 24 hours I would see nine Lions, two …

: rev. p. hanock kindergarden. Our second stop of the day yesterday was at the Rev. P. Hanock Kindergarden. This 'school' was a …

: okahandja woodcarvers market Here we are back on the bus after a stop at the woodcarvers market all of us laughing our heads off. …

: windhoek After a quick stop at the Parliament, and an unsuccessful attempt to visit the Christkirche we …

: you must really like to fly "You must really like to fly" was the comment of the flight attendant from Scotland on our British …

: runestone interactive What a week its been! So much has happened in the last week that I just have to take some time out …

: hosting a web2py app in the cloud I consider myself pretty up to speed on web development. I’ve spent the last two days trying …

: new commuting strategy I can see the campus from my house, its about a 20 minute walk, all downhill for the first half of …

: pizza oven I love it when a good plan comes together.  Last summer we decided to finally take the plunge …

: joshua tree national park I think I said that the plan for today was to head to the Palm Springs tram, and do a little hiking …

: adding a module to skulpt Now that I’m back from traveling in South America I’ve started on a project to add a …

: cruise wrapup part i Its the last day aboard ship, and it has been a day of mixed emotions. We are excited to get back to …

: cruise wrapup part ii I’ve been back in Decorah for less than 24 hours, its been a little more than 48 hours since …

: tsunami warning! This is weird, but I woke up this morning wondering about the question: ”what are the ships …

: on the high seas We are sitting here having our morning coffee and hot chocolate watching the waves crash and roll. …

: ushuaia Ushuaia is the southernmost city in the world. It is in the Patagonia region, and the Tierra Del …

: my name is ferdinand and i'll be your waiter We have great table mates this cruise!  Kim and Rico from Houston, Shyla and Yogi from Ohio, …

: biking punta del este The city of Punta Del Este has about 10,000 regular inhabitants, even though when you look at the …

: montevideo, uruguay I’m sitting here watching the sun come up over the city of Punta del Este.   The water is …

: buenos aires It was a beautiful two days in Buenos Aires. Lets start with moving in to our room on the ship. …

: hiking in the iguazu national park Have you ever had an experience where afterwards you said, “it took my breath away!”? …

: south american beginnings And so it begins. Another travel adventure. This one just Jane and I. The itinerary is a South …

: python in your browser... in javascript! I’ve recently been looking for ways to run Python in a browser. There are lots of reasons why …

: second edition of data structures book is out! Now that I’m back from my JTerm travels, I’m happy to let you know that the second …

: the long road home 4:00 PM Laguardia Airport I have never wanted to be home so badly in all my life. The group of 16 is …

: 30 rock So today Craig and I had an afternoon to do some site seeing. Despite the cold cold temperatures …

: jet lag recovery mode I’m sitting in Starbucks off Union Square, its 6:30 here in Manhattan and I’m wide …

: premier league I can’t think of a better way to end a trip to London that with a Premier League Football …

: we will rock you Yesterday was another great day in London. We started out at 8:00 with our daily discussion of the …

: wimbledon After the rain and dreary weather of the past many days it was delightful to get up this morning and …

: training for the olympics The first stop on our tour of London was a walking tour around the Olympic venues. To get there was …

: day 1 in torino A few years ago, I finished a round of Golf at Oneota Country Club and came up to the patio area. A …

: my name is brad, i'll be your sommelier this evening Sometimes a Swiss Army Knife can make you the most popular guy in your hotel corridor! Some of the …

: craig's death march to the invisible tower Its that depressing, cloudy, cool kind of weather here in Lausanne. Low clouds and mist that block …

: how lindsey vonn spoiled my day in interlaken The morning started out like any other morning, up at 7:00, a light breakfast, then hop on the bus …

: day 2, or is it 3? I can’t believe that I actually slept until 8:00AM. After waking up at 3 AM I was afraid I was …

: in praise of the two fat ladies via The Amateur Gourmet Mr. Game Show was a Hanukkah gift that my parents bought me one year in the …

: dear apple Dear Apple, You lost a sale today. I know its just one less iPhone you are going to sell, and in the …

: ebook man is cleaning out the library So today I sat in my office and looked over at my library of books, probably about 700 books all …

: google app engine service login So I’m working on an app during my sabbatical that has an iPad component and an online Google …

: polk county biking Here’s a quiz for you… What do deer, old cars, a saw mill, and black bears all have in …

: a beautiful last day Well, today is our last official day of vacation. Tomorrow is a day of travel back to Dublin and …

: connemara and castles We are staying in a castle! Ashford castle to be precise. It’s about an hour outside of Galway …

: world cup disappointment in galway The other night on our pub crawl, Eugene told us a story about the Irish people and how they would …

: a day in dublin This morning we are on the train from Dublin to Galway. We woke up to a bright blue sky in Dublin, …

: the roller derby queen in dublin Well last night a bit of Dublin had a taste of some Jim Croce music. I’m not sure where it …

: ship building lessons in stockholm Today we heard the name Gustavus Adophus quite a lot. With apologies to my friends in St. Peter I …

: read all about it, biking with mike is great After days and days of using our feet to get around european cities it was time for a change, and …

: the nœrøyfjorden This morning we got to sleep in, have a relaxing breakfast, catch up on some email and reading, and …

: beautiful balestrand After the late night heavy metal concert in Bergen, we were all very ready for some peace and quiet. …

: heavy metal in bergen Last night after we ate our dinner at the Ship Inn we came out to this sight. The tide had gone out …

: st. andrews hole in one! Can you possibly imagine a better way to top off a trip to St. Andrews than with a hole in one? Well …

: a draw in edinburg One week after watching our Decorah Vikings take third in the state soccer tournament we were back …

: random rants on a train I am writing this on the train from London to Edinburgh where they have just announced the breakfast …

: adventure in the white tower Today’s travel adventure involved the Tower of London. No, we were not arrested and tortured …

: bath to oxford Do you remember Sir John Gielgud from the movie Arthur? Jeeves maybe? Imagine the most proper …

: a clean sweep of bath Yesterday we flew from Chicago to London. We tried a day flight instead of an overnight flight and …

: testing In preparation for the big upcoming trip to Europe I wanted to try out a couple of blogging apps for …

: silicon valley 2010 - summary Here is a great summary put together by the students after we returned. I think it does a wonderful …

: a new year in silicon valley The second ‘Understanding Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley’ started this week. …

: dinner at the chefs table After spending a ton of money in town, what could be better than a great meal on the ship. One of …

: airboat ride in the everglades This morning started out like any other morning. The alarm went off at 6:15 so that we could get up …

: beautifulsoup, bonktown and growl Here’s a little script that combines two of my favorite pass times. Python programming and …

: aquamacs 2.0 elisp fun While waiting for the white smoke to emerge on Textmate 2.0, I decidedto revisit an old friend. It …

: 3 days of r&r in sedona After all of our hiking and rafting adventure we are ending the trip with 3 days of rest and …

: grand canyon - river to rim The call for “Hooaaahhht Coffeeeeee” went out at 4:30AM. It was already twilight in the …

: down the colorado into the canyon For three days we had a great raft trip with Wilderness River Adventures. The trip was amazing! For …

: bryce canyon sunrise -- antelope canyon It was an early morning today. The alarm went off at 5:30 and we were out of the hotel by 5:43. We …

: angel's landing Our first day of hiking in Zion National Park was great! Here is our goal for the day: From the bus …

: phoenix to springdale Long day of traveling today. Left Minneapolis at 9:05 this morning and just got into our room in …

: mit uses python instead of scheme for intro cs I’ve seen several interesting blog posts related to MIT switching from Scheme to Python for …

: vpython version 5 The other day I discovered that the folks working on VPython have been very busy over the last …

: book plug Here’s a little plug for our book from our Colleague Mark Guzdial at Georgia Tech. This was written …

: remember the milk In the past year, I’ve been a passionate supporter of three task management apps. OmniFocus, …

: python + growl + remember the milk = launchbar task management Intro Once I could add tasks to my RTM account through LaunchBar I wanted a way to quickly pull up a …

: a mid-winter cycling treat Although the weather back home may have been below zero, in Northern california he sun was out and …

: creating a group twitter repository For the trip to Silicon Valley I wanted to have everyone be able to twitter about the experience …

: A Long Long Day A Long Long Day Not much to report today. We got up and rode the shuttle to the airport, we checked …

: A Day in Brussels A Day in Brussels We got up early this morning so we could have our breakfast and catch a cab to the …

: Ancient Rome Ancient Rome We could subtitle today Information Overload. We spent today with our guide Tony and …

: Touring the Vatican Touring the Vatican The day started out on a bad note when Tony called to tell us that our guide for …

: Mamma Mia We are in Pompei Mamma Mia We are in Pompei This morning dawned bright and sunny. Once again the view of the Bay of …

: Road Trip to Sorrento or Happy Birthday to Dad Road Trip to Sorrento or Happy Birthday to Dad Today we had a very long drive. We left Tuscany and …

: A Day of Rest A Day of Rest Today the sun was out and it looked like it was going to be our first beautiful dry …

: Cinque Terre Cinque Terre The word for today is ‘Schiapito,’ which in english means strike. The …

: Lunch in Sienna Lunch in Sienna Today we planned to be a light day. We did not get up too early and our only goal …

: Climbing Around Firenze Climbing Around Firenze Since cars are not allowed in or around the central part of Firenzi the best …

: The Leaning Tower of Pizza The Leaning Tower of Pizza This morning we got up early to head in to Pisa. We had tickets to climb …

: The Hill Towns of Tuscany The Hill Towns of Tuscany For our first full day in Tuscany we decided to check out some of the hill …

: On to Tuscany On to Tuscany Our goal was to leave Venice about 1:00pm. So, we got up, had our breakfast and headed …

: A Random Walk through Venice A Random Walk through Venice In Venice you can get lost very easily, but not for long. There are …

: Road Trip to Venice Road Trip to Venice This was a long day of driving. First we went back down the mountain, and then …

: Klein Matterhorn Klein Matterhorn This morning we were greeted by a perfectly blue sky, without a single cloud. We …

: Driving to Zermat Driving to Zermat Breakfast this morning was continental style in the chateaux. Cereal, cheese, …

: Castles Castles This morning we left Paris for the Loire Valley. Our agenda includes two castles to visit …

: Rain, Rain, go Away! Rain, Rain, go Away! The goals for today were... See Rodin’s thinker in the Rodin gardin, …

: Walking, Walking, Walking Walking, Walking, Walking Yesterday morning we got up and walked down to the marketplace for …

: The Long Road to Paris The Long Road to Paris A long day! We drove through some rain and thunder to get to the airport in …