
I was saddened to read that elon restored the account of the former guy. I sincerely hope we are not in for a repeat of the insanity!

Watching the celebration of life for Rick Torgerson, who led Luther College and is someone I truly respect and honor.

His son quoted Dr. Seuss: “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.” Live Well everyone, enjoy today.

I really wanted to take a novel approach to today’s microblogvember, but I couldn’t think of one.

Last fall I rode my bike the length of the Mississippi I only had to change a flat tire five times along the way.

Just curious, who here remembers playing the game “Barrel of Monkeys” when they were a kid? I certainly do. A little searching tells me that before the ironic phrase “more fun than a barrel of monkeys evolved” from a wagon-load of monkeys.

I sent in my absentee ballot after checking it twice. But has no record of me voting in this last election. I am worried that I am a disenfranchised voter. It was a close Senate race and this really makes me mad.

Todays microblogvember word brought back fun memories of choir warmups. “Aluminum Linoleum Aluminum Linoleum” up and down the scale.

Not my words, but these James Taylor lyrics work:

There’s something in the way she moves Or looks my way, or calls my name That seems to leave this troubled world behind If I’m feeling down and blue Or troubled by some foolish game She always seems to make me change my mind

Went to the Margaritaville pickleball tournament this afternoon (Nationals)! I have to adjust my whole concept of what it means to play the game at a high level. It was a great way to spend the afternoon and I’m totally inspired to hit the courts.

Just checked the News - I like the Time headline: “Good Job America. You Didn’t Destroy Democracy.” Truly a relief, as I was honestly worried. There are more elections ahead and nothing is certain, but our democracy is something we should always strive to preserve.

I have a suspicion that supper will be a little late since I forgot to take the pork out of the freezer. I’m thinking that I can make up a lot of lost time by using the instantpot. We are having carnitas, in case you are interested.

Continuity camera inspired the purchase of a stand for what looks like another mini-display next to my main monitor. I kind of wish universal controls worked on the iPhone. – Ummm the array of pain relievers on display on my desk may require further explanation.

I am going to recommend that my minister checks out this place in Temecula…

This post has a little bit of everything: sunshine in the foreground, ominous clouds over Joshua Tree, and even a faint rainbow that I didn’t notice until I looked at this pic!

This pic has a little bit for everyone. Sunshine, ominous clouds, and even a rainbow.

I was certain that the fix I pushed out midweek yesterday to my servers was safe. But I was wrong. Not to worry, I made everything right in a couple of hours with another update.

I can never remember how to spell consensus… my brain is convinced that there is a second c in there somewhere.

I Just finished reading Ken Follett’s Never. I would love to hear what others thought of the book!

I am afraid that my recent knee / MCL injury is giving me too much insight into what its like to get older. Hopefully the MRI on thursday will be good news and I’ll be back on the pickle ball courts and riding my bike sooner rather than later!

I have enjoyed my first few days trying to use regularly. It feels good to be out of the echo chamber that is twitter.

I used to be exempt from this kind of injury and silliness but darn, my first day back at pickleball and I have to ice my knee. I can think of a lot better uses for those ice cubes!

For today’s Microblogvember challenge I will engage in a little shameless self promotion. Runestone Academy has high quality interactive textbooks for Math and CS, all of have an open source license, either CC or GNUFDL. – Democratizing textbooks for the 21st century.

feast your eyes upon the beautiful fall colors of Northern Minnesota. Day 2 of Microblogvember