Category: 2012
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euchre etiquette
How do you know you have an enduring friendship? When after more than 27 years as friends, and seven days of traveling together you can play Euchre – couple against couple – and still be friends at the end of the train ride from Seward to Anchorage. Now you might think that a simple card game means nothing, but there a few members of our party of 4 who are a little on the competitive side.
The controversy in this story came after our third missed bear siting on the train. “There’s a bear up ahead on the left side of the train… No now its on the right… no, now its on the left…” This is some kind of weird plan by the conductor to get the train rocking back and forth, or something to get the people in the back cars of the train to drink more. So, here it is dear readers, as we are all in a state of frustration over bear sitings, the up card is a heart, I’m holding three diamonds (but no bowers). Everyone passes, and it comes back around to me. I bid diamonds. This is when the trouble starts. As it turns out, Holly has both red bowers and only passed because she had better diamonds than hearts. Needless to say we get set, and I launch into some kind of self righteous tirade about “maur passing” just to set us. This scenario plays itself out three times again over the course of the train ride… Now last night I might have said some mean words about Holly’s card playing ethics, but today in hindsight, and in the spirit of type 2 fun, I can see that I might have been overly harsh in my judgement.

The card playing on the train was the culmination of a long day. The last day of a cruise is always a long hard day. For one thing, I think thats one of the things that all cruise lines suck at. You are an awesome person who must be waited on and pampered at every turn, until the last morning of the cruise. Then you yesterday’s news, who must get up early and off the ship as soon as possible, so your room can be turned over to someone new and wonderful who must be pampered at every turn. Or maybe I’m just grumpy that I’m not the new wonderful person anymore. In any case we love cruising and its ability to allow you to see great places in the world, all the while knowing that you have a safe comfortable place to eat and sleep each night.
We spent our day on a Kenai Fjord tour. We had another day of wildlife sitings. The new animals we saw today included Dahl Porpoises and up close views of Puffins and Stellar Sea Lions. The tour company was really good, it was Major Marine Tours. Its not the largest tour company in the marina but the service can’t be beat. When we got out into open ocean areas and the swells got large they were especially kind to the large number of people at the back railing “going for distance."

As I post this picture of the sea lions – whose population has been declining for the last several years – I am reminded of one especially redeeming quality of the day. SUN!! This is the first day since we left Minneapolis that we’ve had a sunny day.
After a long day, we arrived at the Anchorage train station at 10:30 PM. We got our luggage and the hotel shuttle picked us up for our ride to the hotel. Holly and I transported all of our bags to our room, while Jane and Brian stayed on the shuttle to go to the airport to get our car. We lucked out on the emerald aisle and got a good sized Dodge. At least its big enough to hold all of our luggage and all of us. We had envisioned a number of scenarios in which we stored our luggage at the hotel while we went North to Denali.
As I write this we are in our room in the Mckinley Creekside Cabins. Its not quite the same as our cabin on board the ship, but as Gabe would say, in Alaska, “Warm and Dry is more than you can hope for” We had a pretty good drive in the rain to get here, including a swell stop at the liquor store in Wasilla, and some fake pictures of where we imagine Sarah Palin might have lived. We got our tickets for tomorrows bus tour of Denali and then spent some time visiting with the sled dogs of Denali. We took the very scenic Rock Creek hiking path back to the visitors center and then headed out to Prospectors Pizza for a delicious meal.
Tomorrow will be another long day of hiking and bus riding as we go in search of Bear and Moose here in Denali National Park. We are hoping for another clear day so that we can see Mount McKinley.
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icy strait / hoonah
I mentioned type 3 fun in a previous posting, and although there was plenty of type 1 fun to be had in Icy Strait I’d like to begin this post with a little description of some type 3 fun. As a reminder, the definition of type 3 fun is something that is lame when you do it, and remains lame and not fun even in the retelling. Thus was our bike tour of Hoonah.
I should start out by saying that it is not the fault of the bike tour guide, or anyone else involved with tours at Icy Straits. We signed up for the bike tour / zip line combination tour through the cruise line because that was the only way we could sign up for a zip line tour in the afternoon. The idea of an eight mile bike ride sounded appealing, a bike tour is a great way to see an area at a faster pace than walking, and is a nice way to get to know an area better than you do in a tour bus. but, the simple truth is that Hoonah is a nice small fishing town in Alaska, but there really isn’t that much to see. So, we saw the ferry terminal (3-4 ferries per week), the office bar, the seaplane dock, the library, the post office, and the airport. Oh yeah, and it was RAINING yes really really raining. We were absolutely soaked to the bone through our pants and jackets and everything. Yuck!
We all agreed that what we should have done was just not ride the bikes. We could have stayed at the visitor center for a while staying warm and dry and then gotten on the bus to the top of the zip line. Our mistake. So, yes a wet cold bike ride through a town of 800 is virtually the definition of type 3 fun.
But, lets leave that in the past and talk about the highlights of our day in Icy Strait.
It began in the morning with our whale watching adventure. We had booked a small tour with a private operator. I would highly recommend that everyone does this. The small boats are so much more nimble, and you get to know some of the local people in a way that you can’t when you are on a big boat with 100 other people. So it happened that there were only six of us on the boat with captain Floyd. We had plenty of room to spread out and we were not vying for position with other people when the whales showed up.
As whale watching trips go, this one just couldn’t be beat. We were not even out of the harbor before we were treated to a humpback bubble netting. Bubble netting is one feeding strategy used by the humpacks. They circle under the water making tons of bubbles that confuse the smelt to the point where they don’t know which way is up. Then the whale swoops in from below with mouth wide open and scoops up hundreds of gallons of water and fish. The whale closes its mouth and strains out all the yummy fish through its baleen. Here’s a picture of the first whale we encountered.

Now, of course, anyone who has ever been on a whale watching trip has seen lots of whale tails. As the humpbacks typically come up, show their hump for a while, and then dive deep. When they dive deep they do so with their tail straight up in the air. What most people do not get the opportunity to see first hand is a humpback breaching. This is when the whale propels its whole body out of the water. This is an amazing feet for an animal that averages 40 feet in length and weighs about 1000 pounds per foot of length!

We were lucky enough to see several such breaches. I was lucky enough to have my camera pointed in the right direction when this one happened!
Finally, we were in for one more bonus. Orcas! Its pretty rare to get to see Orcas on a whale watching trip! After watching the humpbacks for a while our captain informed us that there were Orcas in the area. This is another great example of the benefit of going on a smaller ship. The captain can just take off and follow the whales you want to see.

Here are two Orcas from the small pod we were following. For a while we thought we were going to see the death of one of the sea lions swimming perilously close to this group, but I guess they were not hungry at the time. The dorsal fin in the picture above is about six feet tall!
So, the whale watching was awesome, but our final act of the day was also a real blast. The worlds longest, highest, fastest zip line! Its a one shot ride from the top of the mountain outside of hoonah, down to sea level. This was really a stretch for Holly, who is a not a lover of heights, but the ride was fun. Unlike other zip lines, this one actually has a harness that allows you to sit quite comfortably. You don’t have any brakes to worry about as that is taken care of for you at the bottom by Physics.
At the top of the zip line you brace your feet against the starting gate, six people at a time, and then they count down from three. The gates open and you are off. In our case we started out in the clouds, flying downward. Suddenly you are out of the clouds and the ship and the water all come into beautiful view right in front of your eyes. In just about 90 seconds the ride is over, but its a real thrill. I’ve got some great video from the head mounted camera, but I’ll have to wait until I get home to edit that and post it.
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Location:Hoonah, AK
type 2 fun
Our guide for the Mendenhall glacier trek told us that there are 3 kinds of fun. Type 1 fun, is just “fun fun.” Its good while its happening and afterward you remember it as fun. Type 2 fun is the kind of thing where you do something and even though you might be totally exhausted or in pain when its all over you remember it later as being an awesome thing to do. Type 3 fun, is no fun at all, it sucks when you do it and it doesn’t get any better in your memory over time.
Yesterday was all about Type 2 fun. Today was 8 hours of hiking, rock scrabbling, and walking on the glacier. The last two and a half hours of hiking were in pouring rain. But already, just one day later we are remembering yesterday as an awesome day.
We left the ship at 8:15AM to meet our guide, Gabe, who drove us out to the trail head. Gabe had backpacks for us with our glacier gear in them, a hiking pick axe, a helmet, a harness, and crampons. Also some light snacks. We were in our Alaskan layers of Dry Fit, Kuhl Fleece, and North Face. To this we added rain pants and a rain jacket. There was a light rain falling at the beginning of our hike, but that stopped somewhere along the way. The hike starts out pretty easy, and gets gradually more difficult the closer you get to the glacier. There was one point where we were truly climbing up the rocks next to a small waterfall. It was great, but it wasn’t easy.
After only a half a mile, people were stopping to shed layers of clothing like crazy. We continued this process for a good portion of the hike.
After two and a half hours of hiking and climbing over rocks we were really getting close to the glacier. With Gabe’s help we did some estimating on where the glacier would have been the last time we were in Alaska. It was really interesting to take a picture from that point and to see how far it has receded.
We took a short break to get our glacier gear unpacked and to gear up for our trek on the glacier itself. About this time it started to rain a bit harder, and it even looked like a few snowflakes by the time it hit the ground, so we cooled off very quickly while we were getting ready.
On the glacier, we found some cool blue ice holes and practiced walking with our crampons. Then Gabe asked if we would like to try some ice climbing. Why not?! The vacation has been injury free so far so we might as well try something new. This was really a blast even though it was just a short little climb to get the hang of it. Ice climbing involves driving your crampons straight into the ice wall, while hanging from two pick axes. Of course we had a safety line so we wouldn’t fall, if we lost our grip. It was really fun but took a lot of effort. Brian and I made it all the way to the top, and Jane and Holly both made a good run at it.

At this point we had been hiking and on the glacier for about three and a half hours. We knew we had two and a half more to get back so we were just about at the point to say it was time to head back, but Gabe had one last surprise for us. He took us over to the side of the glacier where we took off our crampons and hiked down to a spot where there was a cave. We hiked right inside the glacier. There was a little stream flowing into the glacier, and the ice was really amazing. Overhead the ice was glowing blue from the light filtering in from above. On the sides it looked like polished metal, which was because the ice was dirty and there was no light coming in from that direction. The idea of being inside this glacier, with the blue glow all around us made the whole day worthwhile.

When our spelunking was finished it was time to pack up our gear into the backpacks again and head back. By this time our feet were dead tired and the rain was coming down very steadily. Up until now the day had been all type 1 fun, but a two-and-a-half hour death march back to the car in the rain turned it into type 2. One fun little bonus on the trip back was that we saw some salmon swimming up one of the small streams. After catching them and seeing them jumping in the ocean it was interesting to see them heading up stream.
We got back to the ship, and headed to the hot tub. That did wonders for our legs, but we were so tired we didn’t even bother to dress for dinner in the dining room, we just threw on some clothes and went to the buffet. I believe this may be a first for us in skipping dinner in the dining room in favor of the buffet! Holly was sound asleep well before 10:00, I went to the magic show, and along with Jane made it to 10:30. Gone are the days of partying on the ship until midnight or after I guess.
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Its a lazy, rainy afternoon here in Ketchikan Alaska. We are back from fishing and have warmed up with some lunch and a nice soak in the hot tub. The ship should be pulling out of port any minute now and we’ll be on our way to Icy Strait.
The last 24 hours have been a lot of fun. In terms of a sea day, yesterday would have to rank way up there for the unique experience it provided us. As you know from my previous blog post I can’t say much about it. We were part of a very familiar kind of scene to those of you who actually watch this particular kind of show. Meaning we were a part of a large group that got to try out some wonderful food and then share our thoughts. Whether or not we’ll ever be seen by millions of people is all in the hands of some editor at this point. But I know I’ll look forward to this episode. It will always remind me that Holly does not know what Jamie Oliver actually looks like, since he wasn’t here.
Last night we had our second phenomenal dinner in Qsine. This is the restaurant that features the iPads, we were rewArDed by seeing someone faMous at the tAble next to us. We didn’t intrude on her privacy since she was having dinner with her family and celebrating her father’s birthday.
This morning we were up bright and early for our fishing expedition. It was just the four of us and captain Bob. Bob was a great captain, he’s a salty dog that has been guiding fishing trips here in Ketchikan since the 1970s. We had a lot of fun fishing for salmon, even though it was a bit on the cold and rainy side. The high for the day was about 57 degrees, and we had rain off and on.
Of course we had to turn even a small fishing expedition into some kind of a competition. Although as competitions go this was pretty tame since we took turns reeling in the fish. At the end of the morning we had 14 fish in the hold. All of them nice pink salmon, that we’ll look forward to receiving via Fed Ex when we get back home. Here’s Holly and Captain Bob netting one of our first salmon.

And here’s Jane

Tonight we are looking forward to eating in the main dining room, and relaxing at one of the shows on the ship. It looks like the main entertainment is a comedian and that is often fun.
Tomorrow we are looking forward to a day of whale watching, biking, and zip-lining! Stay tuned.
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secrets onboard the millenium
Good morning from stateroom 7199. I’m looking out the back of the ship at a lot of very low hanging clouds. We are in a “family view” stateroom, which means that we have one of the largest decks of anybody onboard. It is perfect for this Alaskan cruise as we can see both directions and even have a great forward view. When the ship is moving we can sit out on the covered part of the deck where we are sheltered from the wind.
Yesterday was a really fun day. We woke up in our two room suite at the Executive Hotel in Vancouver. Jane and I walked the two blocks down to Tim Horton’s to get coffee, bagels and donuts. The plan for the day was to shop for wine, water, and soda to bring on board. With shopping complete the next activity is to rent bikes and ride around Stanley park.
As we headed out for our shopping Holly realized that she was missing her tongue scraper!?? What the heck is a tongue scraper? Brian and I were full of extremely unhelpful suggestions for what might substitute as a tongue scraper. My suggestions of Emery boards or repurposed floss were particularly unhelpful since I had no idea what one should even look like. When Holly did finally describe one to me, it seemed perfectly reasonable that a spare plastic zip tie would work. Many pharmacies later we found one, and all was well with the dental hygiene world.
I must say the neighborhood we were shopping in was a bit sketchy. We passed by several very interesting sex shops, one featuring mannequins dressed in thongs fighting with light sabers. We tried to convince Holly that we had seen tongue scrapers inside the adult book store, but she didn’t go for it. The liquor store we were going to opened at 9:30 and it was quite an interesting study in humanity. People were literally waiting outside the door for the store to open. When the iron gate of the front door was finally unlocked there was a rush inside for people to buy their first drink of the day. Needless to say we were left alone in the fine wine section of the store. We found a nice selection of British Columbia wines to try including some very interestingly named varietals. Hatfield’s Fuse, Quails Gate, and Sandhill. As we checked out with our bottles to take aboard, the guy ahead of us in line was literally shaking to pay for his two beers and get out the door so he could pop one open.
With all of the shopping behind us, we returned to the hotel, where we were granted a late checkout time of 12:30. This worked perfectly for our bike ride. The bike rental place was just around the corner. Vancouver is an extremely bike friendly place. There were great bike lanes that took us from the bike rental place to the pier area and then around the park. It was really beautiful. Although it wasn’t a workout pace it was a fun ride, and a good way to get to know the city a little better. We will definitely come back someday just to spend some time in and around the city.
With the bike ride complete we ordered a taxi and headed to the pier. As we were going through the customs line we were joking with one man who was sent to the much shorter line for ‘the film crew.’ Yes, much mystery surrounds this first night on the ship. Our reservation in Qsine had to be changed at the last minute because of a filming for a ‘food related show.'
We of course pumped this guy for information, but he couldn’t tell us anything. I even tried the old, ‘blink once if its Alton’ line but he just laughed and headed through customs.
Later in Qsine we had a really great time with the wait staff and the maitre de. We said, OK, look we know something is happening because they changed our reservation, so who is it? Whats going on? Finally, a member of the staff, who identified himself as James Bond, agreed to the you guess and I’ll nod game. I got the person and the show right on my second guess. For which we were rewarded with an invitation to dinner at Qsine again tonight where we may be part of the taping. We will have to sign non-disclosure agreements, so although I would love to reveal the name of the show, I can’t. I will say that this could be at the Top of my list for exciting happenings aboard the ship. If I get to meet a celebrity Chef that would certainly be a highlight of my amateur culinary life.
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Location:Inside Passage, enroute to Alaska
how to think like a computer scientist interactive edition
After hosting the interactive edition of How to Think like a Computer Scientist on the Google app engine at for over a year, we finally made the switchover to a new domain. As of today all requests to thinkcspy will be automatically redirected to
This new domain, is hosted by They have very reasonable hosting rates, along with plenty of bandwidth and disk space. I have more control over the development platform that I use, I get to keep my data in a real relational database (postgresql) where I can write queries and export my data as much as I want, and finally, if I ever need to move from Webfaction, I own the domain and can move it with me, and I won't need to go through this name change again.
For those of you who have used the thinkcspy site, you will notice a few upgrades to the content of the book have taken place. In addition, we are now hosting another book along side thinkcspy. So we now have coverage for both CS1 and CS2.
CS1 --
CS2 --
The CS2 book is based on our paperback book, Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python by Brad Miller and David Ranum. Our forward thinking publisher has given us permission to convert the paper book into an interactive version and make it available online!
The other great thing about the move to is that you can now host your own course. That is you can use one of our books online, but you are the instructor, so you can grade homework assignments, and look at activity reports for the students in your class. So far we have 20 different institutions hosting one of the two books for a course currently, or for the upcoming fall term. The links to create your own course are right there on the home page, so if you are interested in using this site for a course go right ahead.
The one downside to this move is that I did not migrate any of the data from the old thinkcspy site. So if you have saved programs there you will need to recreate them at the new site. I gave people plenty of notice about the move, so I'm hoping this won't turn into a big issue. If it is, let me know, and I'll try to pull your code out of the google datastore for you.
The second issue with the move is that I don't use google accounts anymore. If you want to save your programs you will need to create an account on the site.
If you have a link to on any pages you control, please make the change to point to the new domain and location. Thanks!
If you are interested in contributing to the project, have a book you would like to host, or are just interested in how we are doing this, you can check out the code on github: []( If you don't want to go that far, but have assignments, or assessment questions you would like to contribute, please contact me!
saying goodbye to namibia
Sitting in the lobby of the Hotel Safari this morning. We've checked out and are just hanging here until about 11:00 before we head to the airport. It seems like a lifetime ago that we checked in here, exhausted, and grubby after 39 hours of travel from the USA. Now we are refreshed, our bodies are on the right time zone and heading on to the next segment of our journey. Its really strange to think that I'm heading to Israel, while the rest of the group is heading to cape town. One consolation is that I'll be enjoying nice warm 90 degree weather, while they will be in Cape Town's winter at 59 degrees.
Last night we had a very nice dinner at Nampa and Matty's house. I'm very jealous of Matty's indoor wood fired oven. He had obviously been grilling meat for us all afternoon. Not only does it make delicious meat but it also heats their family room. It was amazing to hear the story of these two Luther College Alums. They were at Luther in the mid 90's, but by the time they found their way to college in the USA they were married and had small children. They are so grateful to the people of Decorah for their hospitality and help that they are always eager to open their home to Americans who are traveling in Namibia. We worked hard on their youngest daughter to convince her that she must come to Luther to go to college.
As I think about the two purposes of our trip, the philanthropic, and the cultural I am inspired to try to return someday, and to help to keep up the good work that EmpoweringLearnersNamibia has started. There is so much more we can do to help, and it really doesn't take much money to accomplish a lot here. For example a new Kindergarden school could be built to replace the 10x12 metal shack for about $5000.00 US.
almost back to windhoek
Well, here we are on the B2 not 55km from Windhoek and the Safari Hotel. Suddenly our coach makes a very bad noise and we begin to coast down the road. Joey looks rather concerned. We coast to a stop and pull over to the side of the road. One of the few places in all of Namibia where there is almost no shoulder. The diagnosis is dire, the clutch plate is out. Luckily its only 1:15 in the afternoon and we are close to our destination. David is on the phone getting another coach on its way. This bus that we've spent so many hours with is not taking us any further.
So far we are all in good spirits. The sun is out, the weather is nice. We are joking about our plight and assessing our provisions. In the cooler we have some apples, a half bottle of Riesling and one Windhoek light. Suddenly Joey says… "I need a beer!" We all crack up, we'd be happy to give Joey our last beer, he's been such a good sport with great humor this entire trip.
We are thankful that this little mishap happened here. When we think of all the places this could have happened. The middle of Etosha, the middle of the desert, Each of which would be hours and hours from anywhere likely to have the ability to come and get us. We'll be just fine, and this answers the important question of what to write about in today's blog.
UPDATE: We're moving again, in a lovely, highly air conditioned coach. Its just 2:55 so we were only delayed about 1:45. When the replacement bus got here we formed a bucket brigade and transferred the luggage from one to the other in no time. We're looking forward to arriving at the Safari and we'll still have some time to relax and refresh before we go to our dinner at Nampa and Matty's house.
photo highlights from namibia
Well, its really hard to pick out the photo highlights from this trip, but I decided to take a quick stab at it during my hour at the internet cafe today. So, here's a link to the flickr photoset. Hope you like it.