Now I’ve ruined the NYT letterbox game for myself. Wrote a program to solve it, and rediscovered the Trie data structure. Very fun little diversion. I love a good data structure.

Feels so good to be productive! Develop in monorepo setup, deploy with docker. New feature done and tested in no time.

Spent the morning chasing down subtleties in nginx configuration. Some things are just not intuitive. To trail a slash or not to trail a slash, that is the question.

Hey @manton and @danielpunkass this is a generous theory, but maybe the cage match in question was really referring to twitter vs threads!

github is experiencing an outage…. Seems like a good excuse to go outside and play.

The top 10 reasons why you should host your OER textbook on Runestone Academy.

Nothing ruins a ride like a bear in the middle of the road. Luckily I didn’t have to reverse course as something spooked it and it ran off into the field. If you have sharp eyes you can maybe detect it running into the woods on the left.

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Due to travel, weather, and illness, its been a month since my last bike ride. It felt great to be back in the saddle.

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Spending Mother’s day doing Spring chores at the lake. Its so great to be back and enjoying lake time again.

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MNUFC looking truly awful tonight. Lucky escape midweek, but tonight is just boring soccer.